Wednesday 14 August 2013

Feku Express ! Total Waste by congress

My dear fellow congress leaders,

I am a common man and its my one open letter to the congress. Recently, you started one campaign called "Feku Express" against someone. I would like to inform you that, don't waste your valuable time, resources, money (save some bucks for the elections ! ) and your man-power for this website or this type of feku duplicate expresses, which don't have the destinations !! Well, you strongly deserve this type of work and it's kind of total time-pass for you, in addition, the results will be negative for you. so keep going on !

Before blaming others, look at yourself ! what you've done ? what you've achieved ?

You will get the right answer of this feku express innovation in the year of 2014 ! at that time this feku express will reach at your doorstep and you all will be teleported in underground by sitting in this feku express ! so please don't forget to indicate a green signal to this feku express in 2014 after losing yourself against them in 2014 election of India !

Either you make Feku express or Feku Airlines ! you are going to loss.. so, be ready to hide your faces or find safe passage to hide yourself from the "ANGRY INDIAN PEOPLEs"

Good luck..
Yes We Can ! Yes We Will